Friday, January 15, 2010

New Life

The idea never occurred to me. A life without her. It just doesn't seem real, but I guess when you're a selfish lowlife like myself, you never get what you want. I love her, but I fucked up. Can't really blame her. She's perfect. Despite all my flaws and problems. Despite my negligence and distance, she lovED me. where else was i supposed to get something like that? That kind of attachment? That kind of trust? She trusted me. I didn't care. My selfish ways can't comprehend others' needs. What am i supposed to do? I'm drowning without her. I can't fix anything from 3000 miles away, not to say that it can be fixed. Can a totalled car be repaired? yes, but at what cost?

Definition: totalled car - the car is so badly damaged that the cost to repair the vehicle is greater than the cost of the vehicle itself

I'm willing to pay the price, perhaps time in this case, is she?

So this post is called New Life. What life? I'm sitting in my dorm room getting my ass kicked at Modern Warfare 2, playing some depressing ass break up music, and zoning off to think about her whenever my fingers stop moving for 2 seconds. Some life. Time to do what every depressed, misunderstood person does: find the bottom of several bottles of various hard liqours. Shit.

Whiskey Lullaby. Good song. La la lalalala la. "I'll love her til I die" Shit that's a depressing line.

Now playing: Brad Paisley - Whiskey Lullaby Feat. Alison Krauss
via FoxyTunes


  1. they say love makes people blind - she's probably got a new sweetheart lined up for valentine's day, what a two faced fox! perfect my ass!
    you deserve better

  2. it's that line of thinking that got me into trouble in the first place

  3. if you had that line of thinking then you know it's happenning for real, but you hate to admit it and wish it's not true.
    you should trust your gut feeling on this one

  4. I dont know you, you dont know me
    She is with a senior at valley
    And a dick at that
    He had a "relationship" with one of my friends
    She wouldn't let him fuck her, so he dumped her for Abriella
    She knows how you feel
    But trust me, she was more then just friends with him even when you two were dating.
    She deserves him, and he deserves her, and you deserve better
    Cheer up, move on, and live your life. She isn't worth it
